Content Delivery Network is the technical name for the service or services you might use to get your message out to the digital world.
There are 'free' services and there are 'private secure' networks. Each one has its merits and limitations.
The 'free' networks cost you nothing however you have no control over what they might do or when they might do it. For example they can, if they feel your content breaches copyright or decency levels, terminate your stream without warning. Which can be very embarrasing, so control over 'any' audio material (even background) is vital to prevent this happening.
The positive with 'free' networks is familiarity. Everyone is used to the name and function of the service, it is distributed world-wide and everyone can watch it with familiarity.
'Private' secure networks are literally that, 'private'. This enables you to have full control over who sees it, how much they pay for it, the content you deliver through it and the safety in knowing your 'visual copyright' isn't going to copied and distributed publicly.
The URL (web address) of your live stream cannot be copied and sent to another person to watch 'free of charge'. Therefore only viewers you want to view are able to.
If you breach 'copyright' you are not going to be automatically shutdown, however it is important to have the appropriate licences in place if applicable.
It is worth keeping in mind that you can stream to both 'paid for' and 'free' service at the same time. With control using the 'free' service to promote the full 'paid' content.