I noticed that Elmslie House in Malvern which is local to me, were hosting the Worcestershire Guild of Contemporary Craft for a weekend for them to display and sell their wonderful beautiful creative items made locally.
It was short notice and I contacted Anna the owner of Elmslie House to see if I could do a IRL stream from the location to help promote it to a wider audience.
IRL (In Real Life) is a less polished stream, which consists of a high quality camera streaming through the 4G bonding system going out to which ever networks required.

Anna was very helpful and agreed to my offer along with the guild so I set about building a IRL rig which wouldn’t take up too much space.
Apparently the year before it hadn’t been very busy so all promotion is good promotion, which I respected.
It is a lovely location and has much to offer. The 15 or 20 guilds people were crammed into the space with their tables and displays, leaving a corridor for visitors to mingle and view the wares.

All the technical aspects went smoothly, however once I started the stream and moved into the main room I soon realised that space for my tripod and rig was going to be limited as people were steadily flowing in and the exhibitors were going to be busy talking and selling.
My objective had been to talk to each of the stands and chat a little about their products and skills, however discretion is the better part of valour on this particualr day, as I could see I was going to be a safety hazard rather than a benefit, so the stream was cut short.
Although my rig was small the exercise did remind me that it needs to be even smaller and lighter without sacrificing output quality. Therefore all the slick graphics and animations will need to be put to one side, until I can find an option to add them back in.